Monday, August 28, 2017


If the whole universal energy be designated as E, then each unit phenomenon may be designated as e(1), as e(2) etc., and each of these can be put down as e(1) = E/s(m). That is to say that the subordinate unit phenomenon can be seen as E divided by a certain quantum of time and space.

The total E, then can be seen as an integral of e(1).e(2)...etc., which is equal to an integral of E/t(a).s, E/t(m) s(n)...E/t(x) s(y) … infinity.

The person acting here and now on the smallest zone of time and place is much more effective. Most great men have been characterised by this capacity to act thus. An average man is like a torch light, an electrocautery lighting up and resolving small, concrete problems. To act on a concrete point , to solve a concrete problem is the root of the situation. The universal energy available to such a person is indeed great. Such men do not seem to have any problem and they are able to attend to many things for they concretely attend to concrete situations as confront them and have no pending items.

Look at the fatigued, irritable face of the man pretending to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders and his incapacity to deal with any situation effectively.


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